The Hunt: Can’t See The Eggs For The Trees

The party was for Tawni Alice but she wasn’t finding the fun! She kept reminding her “friends, SHE was the special one; SHE was the birthday bird and they weren’t leaving her anything to eat! She only got one cricket leg. Tawni Alice, the chicken, couldn’t find anything to celebrate on her own birthday. It was there; she just couldn’t see it.
When my two children were both very small we walked toward a building where an Easter celebration was to begin. We crossed a flat newly mowed lawn, containing one young tree shaped like a pole with leaves sprouting from the top. We wove in and around large plastic eggs and big pink satin bows draped with limp loops around large bananas. Both kids would look up and say, “Where do you suppose the eggs are?” I’d caution them around the things in the lawn; they’d look down then walk around protruding Easter objects and say, “Mom, do you think we’ll find any eggs?”
Tawni Alice had a hard time finding celebration in her party; it was there, she simply could see it. To read her story look for the book, Chickens in Birthday Suits at Amazon (offered free as an eBook for a short time). I’d love any reviews.
To find Easter see Isaiah and the New Testament. And thank you Amazon for offering the Bible free when I purchased my Kindle.

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