Old Concept: New Application

I was blocking the refrigerator but didn’t notice it at once because I was excitedly telling John about a Science News book review. The book recommended that large organizations confront adversity creatively. They change adversity from stagnancy and decline into growth. “I’ve always tried to live the concept in my personal life.” I said. “It’s an old concept; just a new application!”
I noticed his itchy fingers and moved away from the refrigerator door. He wanted breakfast. With relief he opened the door and took out half a sandwich he’d started the day before saying, “An old concept: a new application!”
In Leafman#3 Worse than a Bugbear, we find family adversities faced in humorous and surprising ways at a family level. A threat is transformed and saves the entire city of Portland Oregon by robins. I write about families because any concept learned and grown here coverts into the greatest of all personal feelings, that of belonging, love and joy, while advancing the world around.
Thank you again Amazon for giving me the vehicle through which to stretch and share.nancymauerman.com

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