Moses And The Quail And Found Objects

Buddhism and the Bible both agree; everything comes with an opposite. The children of Israel wanted variety in their diet. So that night quail blew in on the wind and feel 2 cubits high over the camp and beyond it a day’s journey in all directions.

A cubit is somewhere between 17.5 and 21.5 inches high. I’d say at the time of the falling quail it was the former because the birds started falling at night and by day time the people had to stand up all that day through the night and all the next day. Some people are shorter than me and a some taller, if I’d been there the quail would have come up to my waist. I wondered did the quail collapse the tents? What happened to the kids?  When did all those dead birds begin to smell? I imagine as birdies turned to goo the children of Israel walked fast to get away and I Imagine during their standing time they must of held their children up and gotten tired arms. Petite women must have held their kids almost over their heads or did they sit the kids on top of the birds and let them run around at shoulder level around Moms?

Opposites are tied together as with kite string, which surround the frame below.

Moses And The Quail - Framed

Moses And The Quail – Framed

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