Wyoming, Moses And the Red Sea

I’ve always thought that following Moses, who followed the Lord, must have been like rock hounding in Wyoming. Dad had received a verbal map taking us half a day from home and hours off a recognizable ranching road. We were out there surrounded by lumpy emptiness, where we saw as many jack rabbits as there were tumble weeds. What we followed were just intermittent patches of tire tracks hardly making a mark on the hard dirt. Sometimes we’d drive in and out of ruts and dips so deep Dad wondered if we scrape a hole in necessary parts of our Ford’s belly. We’d be stranded. Often it had been so long since we’d seen tracks, we had to back up until we found where we’d left them and search in another direction. I watched and worried from the back seat because at times when we finally found the other campers someone who’d been expected never showed up. At dusk men left in their cars to try to find them. I followed my Dad because I was in the back seat but now I have my own map, the scriptures. When I get off track I reassess, back up and start in a new direction and I can count on my Savior to come and get me when I’m lost.  nancymauerman.com

Moses And The Red Sea - Framed - Click Here to view larger image

Moses And The Red Sea – Framed – Click Here to view larger image