Do I Need To Own That?

“You NEED one too,” my mind told me when I see a dress on someone I like. When I grew up bit I would see a dress and comprehend I didn’t need it, wrong color for me, the stile looked good on another but would be hideous on me, but my mind still said, “You NEED that.”  Finally I learned to let go and say, “What a beautiful dress on her, I don’t want one.”  Lest any male feel superior, that same thing happens in connection to games, cars, and tools.

Then I learned I wasn’t accountable to follow through on every THOUGHT that wanders my way.  I see weeds, have an idea for a picture, see dirty dishes, laundry, a book I want to read, I should call a friend, sew on my quilt, play with my cat, the fence needs paint, it goes on.  I do not need to own them all. I chose one;  the rest aren’t mine to own, I don’t affect guilt on my self for what is unrealistic. It seems as soon as I think a thought I FEEL accountable to do it. Not now.



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