Cakes In Tutus And THE PLAN

Aren’t we taught to plan, to diagram, or make a flow chart if we’re serious about a project? We think out each step, set realistic primary and secondary daily goals, and weekly, yearly goals etc.  I do this but not always.

I saw the pink cakes wearing tutus in a dream. The dressed up cakes sat in nests which rested on branches of one tree.  Sometimes, like in marriage, I start with a good idea but don’t know at the beginning what the next step is  or where I’ll end up. When I make a picture I paint step one then look at that step one for days, weeks and sometimes years before another message comes.

Sometimes in life I plan completely before I start but find I make changes as I go. At other times I start then wait for the next step in His plan. I’m under the illusion that I’m more in control when I follow an intellectual flowchart. But these plans are ALWAYS modified and they are only successful when I mix intellect with inspiration, intuition, faith whatever you might want to call it. Maybe it was this fear and vanity of not controlling the plan that prevented me from getting remarried for so long.


Cakes In Tutus In A Tree

Cakes In Tutus In A Tree

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