Sleeping With All The Lights On

I have many friends with unique grandmothers and I have many friends who ARE peculiar and engaging grand, great grand, and great great grandmothers who are gently involved in the lives of their families.
As John grew up he spent time with his grandmother who lived, isolated, on a Utah reservation. Every day she wore two different colored socks because the others on the reservation had a respect and left alone odd people.
She paid a flat fee for electricity, so as a result, all day, every day, and every night, she left every single light burning. Her tiny house was lit and radiating light like a UFO. John had a hard time sleeping the nights he spent with her.
This may explain John’s fascination with flash lights, his need to turn all the lights in the house if a cloud passes in front of the sun, and his need to plug up most every electrical outlet with night lights, that burn day and night. In all probability it’s not the explanation, but I’m trying to understand my world and be kind.
When we saved up and finally decided to improve our house, yes you guessed it, he had more outlets added and gleefully dove into his secret stash for a bunch of night lights. He gleeful moved through the house filling all empty sockets as if he lived on a giant Christmas tree.
I’m fascinated with families and Grandmothers. They’re a dominate part of most of the children’s books I write and illustrate. Find my books at Amazon they as funny as John.

2 thoughts on “Sleeping With All The Lights On

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