Self Portrait with Ammo Box

Self Portrait with Ammo Box-  I drew this a couple of years into my life with John. The ammo box represents him. After serving our country in Vietnam he came home a changed young man because he’d loved the people there and his brothers in arms and saw many of them killed and damaged. So he came home to his Mommy and Daddy’s house he was unable to function for a few years.  When I met him I wasn’t functioning, then together we carried each others loads and grew up and grew better together.

Yesterday was his funeral which became a wonderful measuring rod. John  had not only lifted and healed me but gave me the strength to totally enjoy his work buddies, war brothers, neighbors, blood family, and church family. I’d say John hadn’t simply influence these people for good but was a BOMB of joy, and enlightenment, mystery, and surprise in all our lives.

I drew my self portrait in Crayola crayons- kid’s colors. Aren’t we all kids anyway with ages layered on top?


Self Portrait With Ammo Box

Slf Portrait With Ammo Box

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