Do You Have Inside People?

Don’t we all have inside people?

One person listened to my son, when he was young, while at the very same time another heard my daughter. The first said something sympathetic to my son then created a run-one sentence to answer my daughter, while another one of me washed dishes and planned dinner.

Occasionally I closed everyone down so I could totally focus on printing words, with a brush, on a poster. Then “Mooom?” rang out. This is one of my favorite words but, as the book ‘Drawing From The Right Side Of The Brain’ explains I switched from total drawing mode to Mom mode so quickly I snared, “WHAAAT?”

Then I backed up, apologized and explained the right/ left brain concept to my children. You can feel the switch when you’re aware of it. My son and daughter believed me but didn’t understand until a few years when we laughed together.

A person standing with arms folded in black and white crayon sketch

Inside People

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