I Got Kissed By a Homeless Guy

It was several years ago as my husband and I stood in front of our house saying good- bye to a friend who was getting in his car. I called a, ‘hello,’ across the street to a homeless man and gave him a short wave. Immediately the man veered our way! He made a diagonal detour, crossed the street, and pointed his path straight at me! When he got close he reached forward and took my hand! As he held it he asked, “Why did you say that?”
“Well,” I answered, “…because you’re a person and I’m a person.”
He smiled and replied, “You’re a child of God and I’m a child of God.” and he leaned forward and kissed my cheek. My husband jumped to attention and stepped forward
to provide protection if needed, but the man returned to the other side of the street and resumed his journey.
When my husband returned from the war’s jungles he stayed in a small windowless room for two years before he could gradually reenter the outside life. Luckily that room was within his parents home.
I too had an isolated two year period. Luckily my best friend took me in.
I doubt if this man remembers that afternoon kiss, but I do. I will never forget all he taught me.

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