An Enemy Brings Fun And Mystery Into Our Lives

Perhaps “enemy” is a heavy word for someone several houses away who simply disliked us and activated the sentiment. Our house sat on a tiny lawn half of which slopped steeply four feet down to the sidewalk. We parked along one side of the house and walked along the top half of the lawn where for a hundred years residents had worn a path to the front door.
This path and surrounding area became riddled with wide deep holes which were impossible to see from dusk to dawn. I filled holes in a few times a week but we tripped over either fluffy dirt or in holes spilling groceries, books, and toys when we fell. The resentful neighbor used my children as his tools of engagement. It was great. My kids were the diggers. We just picked up the broken eggs and enjoyed his mischief.
You may be wondering what logic our neighbor used to talk my kids, and their two friends from next door, into digging these holes.

For three years the pesky neighbor the neighbor kid’s uncle, explained elves were shy but would speak occasionally to him. But his, the uncle’s, cup was flowing over the top with good benevolence and glee so he shared with the kids that elf treasure had just be deposited in our lawn. I was sorry for the uncle who had to live with his passive aggressiveness but on the other hand I’m sure he fell asleep giggling. I was thrilled my kids went to bed knowing they lived on enchanted ground and stood ready to inherit treasures beyond belief!

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