Men CAN Learn To Do Three Things At Once!

I wake up to loud TV and John is beaming, “I’m like you!” he says. “I’m doing three things at once! I’m washing dishes and listening to TV.” The news is so loud because it’s in another room and sound doesn’t to go around corners very well.
When I, for instance, take a laundry basket to the basement I save time by taking three jars of peanut butter, old batteries, Christmas wrap, a wrench, box of nails, hammer, jug of bleach, the weed whacker, and long nosed hedge clippers also. Of course sometimes I spill nails and scatter batteries on my way down and think myself lucky the peanut butter was in plastic, the picking up takes an extra ten minutes.
John would have taken the basket down and come up for the three jars, closing the door behind him each time so Formica, my cat, doesn’t get into mouse bait. He’d be up and down ten separate times taking TEN WHOLE MINUTES!
So there’s John proudly doing three things at once; dishes, TV aand??? What was the third? Thinking, or talking to me? I’d have been arguing with the TV, thinking about the three books I’m currently writing, illustrations for five, talking to John and doing leg lifts to exercise my back, which I did at the wrong angle putting me in bed. Watch out John!

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