My family tromped through the desert every other weekend looking for rocks and as soon my brother, Don, saw a faint slither he’d grab the snake in a snap, hoping he’s gotten hold of it behind it’s neck. He held it up to show it off but mostly to check to see if it was poisonous! This drove my parents crazy! “Check it before you pick it up!” they pleaded, but he never did.
John likes snakes but in my book ‘Gracie’s Grandfather Makes Trouble’ a grandfather looking exactly like him DOES NOT! Gracie’s Grandmother DOES and collects real and fake snakes, so Grandfather comes up with VERY creative ways of dealing with them. Grandfather’s anti-passion for the slinky creatures is as strong as Don’s was for them
See Gracie’s Grandfather Makes Trouble, free another day, as an e book at

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