Physics of Time Drag

‘Dragon’s Tale’ is a book containing the anatomical tail of a dragon, plus three tales in one story. For children ‘Dragon’s Tale book is about being a cherished part of a family an and adventure book. For adults it introduces fun parenting ideas.. “Parenting” is a state of mind, whether you’re related to the young or not. I ask all you piano teachers, wouldn’t it be fun to celebrate Rock Day with your students?

I’ve heard professional women on TV discuss women being almost traitorous if they stay home with their kids but when the professionals are pressed everyone admits, “IT’S TOO HARD A JOB TO BE A MOM so I leave when I can.”
It’s a hard job being a kid too. And most do it with more grace than I would if I’d been put down in a new country today and tried to learn a new language ethics and culture as fast as I could. It was exhausting. Is that way time seemed slow as when we’re in pain? I remember being seven and thinking, “Time drags. I can’t wait to GROW UP.” I promised myself I’d figure out what age number ‘grown up’ was and starting on the first day of that special year I would not learn one single thing more!  Later watching my parents decided that learning and doing was fun but I’m learning slow. Does learning fast stretch time slow?

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