Broken Parsimony!

I worried about God during all my youth and childhood days. I went to church every week and read the Bible through a few times before I was an adult and asked hundreds of, :What does that mean?” questions. I watched my mother and teachers reason out an answer and every answer seemed to say, “I don’t understand it and if I can’t no one can!”
Then my questions were, “Why dress up to worship something you don’t believe exists?” Their answers were, “Well, it’s better to base a civilization on a fable that teaches a set of ethics than to have a group of people with no morals.”
In high school we were taught through poetry and literature, “Man created God.” That is pretty much what I’d seen men do.
I kept asking who God was. And even though I knew my logical mind it had limits I put those exact same limits on God and found there was no superior being.
As a young adult I felt a fool but I stuck my neck out. To stick a neck out is to expose it to the ax and I did feel I might die. I experimented with faith. and I found a Father who loves me and answers prayers, spoken and silent. Often answers appear NON LOGICAL, sometimes humorous and occasionally impossible. The word ‘impossible’ now means; today I can’t understand how it happened just as at three I scribbled outside the lines of my coloring book, and wondered how scribbling could ever fulfill my desire to paint “realistic” pictures. I did learn to render realistic drawings by scribbling.
I read earlier this year, in Science News about a size 50 nanoparticle of iron in crystalline form which was PUT THROUGH a tube of a much Smaller size. the smaller size was a 5 nanoparticle tub of crystalline carbon! The tub did not break. How can this be? I laugh out loud!

How about BREAKING THE LAW of parsimony by finding Comb Jelly Fish, a complex organism, to have developed first evolutionally. But then it devolved into the much simpler one. That one then evolved into a different complex kind of or jelly fish. Jellyfish are creations of God and lack of a better word it I’d call them Christians. Talk about a Born Again Christian.

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