Dream Exactitude

My husband, John, appears to be a relaxed person but in many ways he is not. Before knee surgery, several years ago, he drew swirling long lined arrows on his limb and wrote words, instructions telling the doctor where certain important meridians were and therefore where the Doc. WAS NOT allowed to cut!
He’d just finished an Eastern Massage class in which meridians of energy were constantly discussed so he wrote those instructions in a violet stuff that could not be washed off and took months to wear away.
When he returned to the doctor for stitch removal, the doctor was still so angry he could hardly talk.
Another example of John balancing off his laxidasical persona is last night’s conversation. I have a series of bad dreams every night so when I said, “Good night” and added, “I hope you have better dreams than I do.” He said, “Oh, I will! I have my dreams all planned out!”nancymauerman.com

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