John’s Normal Is Strange

John fell in love with tiny towels. He loved to watch them expand in a bowl of water. He adored the feel of a towel as it expanded in his hand as he poured water over it, he stared into thin air for hours, although the TV was on, as he determined how many more to purchase, he gleefully ran to the phone and placed an order, then worried every day until towels arrived. Then checked and rechecked the shipping order on the computer, and finally, like Christmas, his favorite man the UPS fellow, delivered BOXES of them!
May I remind you how small the towels are? BOXES of them! John poured them out, covering his desk to luxuriate in them; he rolled them in his fingers, and put them in bags, as he numbered them, and he stared into the thin again, deciding their uses and where and how to store them.
He received quite a few more than he ordered. What a deal! Now the next step: placement of the things. He walked neighbors half way to the park with their kids, expounding the towels’ virtues and beauties. He met neighbors as they got out of their cars, he knocked on doors.
Then he was back to thin air as his occupation. What were these nice people thinking? Why couldn’t they be excited? Why couldn’t they see the value in tiny towels? What was wrong these people?!! Were they stupid?
You may be thinking the same thing as John, tiny towel are wondrous, if you’re the kind of person who reads this blog. If so, leave me a blog comment and I’ll have John contact you.
Can you imagine the public delight John would be if he had grand kids?
I sit on the porch and commiserate with him and tell him, “John I love you because your “NORMAL” is so

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