What Was Here Before The Bang? Before Big Bang?

Before us there was the BIG BANG.

John told me of an interview he’d heard with the author of, Cycles of Time. The scientist could not quote his own book because it hadn’t been reviewed yet by his peers. It hadn’t been approved of as being real. But this man’s findings showed, what HAPPENED before the before; or before the Big Bang.

His thinking is that before the Big Bang there was a moving temperature change. As if a shock wave proceeded before the before and within this wave of temperature change were spheres, like bubbles, of even different temperatures.  How fascinating.

So, we found this out, after we learned about the Big Band.  Also, John heard about this theory before it was made real by peer review but then he will hear about all this later if it is found to be real.

So, there was something here BEFORE there was something here, and we found about the beginning AFTER, we found out about the beginning (the before, the before), and John heard about it BEFORE he will really hear about it. How fascinating.

I’ll tell you about the picture below another time because it’s similar to conversation above. Just a hint; it may be about being yourself within yourself.  nancymauerman.com

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