Self Portrait – Stolen

In other peoples homes I notice them but almost don’t notice that they panic politely when I leave a water ring on their wood table. We each find value in different things. On John’s part I don’t see the beauty inherit in saving flip top tabs in a green plastic vitamin bottle.

But I clear my projects off the round table. I rub and oil it until it shines and place an odd rock beside a vase of flowers in the exact middle. The rock compliments the flowers through its nature facets and color. It contrasts them through its rocky wight and density. John doesn’t see anything but a vague empty spot that appeared out of the blue. He plops down  two grocery bags, junk mail, puts the flowers in the kitchen sink to make room for the laundry basket.

Thank goodness John has hormones to tickle him into noticing how pretty females are or he might live without beauty


Self Portrait - Stolen

Self Portrait – Stolen

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