John’s Flavor of Take Your Mother to School Day

John is one to stay within the law, and even more circumspect when it come to obeying God, but rules don’t always make sense to him. A few have gotten bent, mangled, and ignored. School didn’t hold his interest through out his teens, as much as reading his own books at home did. Between low attendance and joining the army, with his parent’s signature under age, he never graduated high school.                                                        He joined at a time when being affiliated with the military was “out of it” and served more honorably than most and when he got out he was interested in college. So he filled out the papers, paid his fee, and went to class.
After a while the administration people were after him for forgetting to fill out the “graduated from which high school box.”  He told them he hadn’t forgotten; hadn’t graduated. They said G. E. D.! John had been carrying more credits than recommended and was passing all with good grades, there was no way he was going to attend G. E. D. classes just so he could complete a form. He simply took more classes.
The part of his reality I love the most is that he began taking HIS MOTHER TO SCHOOL with him! She was reluctant, being a rule keeper, but her love of learning got the better of her and they attended large lecture classes on many subjects together.
John was celebrating TAKE YOUR MOTHER TO SCHOOL DAY before any of the lower grades discovered this was a good idea.
This man could be as ugly as dirt in a cow pasture and I’d have fallen in love with him, just for this, but he’s a pleasure to my eye and one of the more manly men I’ve ever met. Watch out world, John’s on the loose!

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