John And I Fight Over Them

463 days doing dishes, something I hated?! Those are 24 hours days, if I lived a normal life span. I was 21, newly married, and saw this as an extreme waste of a good life. Something had to be done! Solutions; buy new eating tools every day then throw them away = couldn’t afford it. Eat off paper plates = couldn’t afford that either and besides, there were pots and pans. Something had to be done!
I heard about the principle of fasting so tried it, deciding If I were asking for help I’d better do my part by not procrastinating or playing in the bubbles until my feet hurt (which was the dishes’ fault!).
Within 9 days I LOVED TO DO DISHES! plus I learned the joy of not putting off a hard job, which gave me such control and peace of mind that when I went back to school I didn’t care what grade I got as long as I learned what I needed. I learned the joy of putting my house in order in many ways, then I tried varieties of fun like washing left handed, memorizing a song while in the bubbles, and washing as fast as I could. Sometimes I heard, “Hey this dish isn’t clean!” My answer; “Oh, that’s OK I had fun!”

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