Beef, Sheep, And Bugs Inside Joan’s Apartment?

“Are you home? Joan wants me to drop off sheep.” Her husband’s thinking, “Joan publicly announces to her friends, if they visit they are NEVER to use her bathroom hand towels and she wants sheep!”
“How many?” he asked me over the phone. “Four.” I tell him and heard surprise in his voice not realizing it was panic. He and Joan lived in a small beautiful apartment with a non-fenced yard.
He could hold the sheep inside all day until Joan came home from work – NOT AN OPTION, or outside in their apartment’s yard where he’d loose a few if not all the animals. He visualized himself, bent at the waist, arms stretched wide herding sheep for hours.
The result would be exhaustion, Joan wouldn’t have sheep for what ever she’d borrowed them for, the landlord would no longer have grass, and Nancy would have lost her sheep.
I delivered cardboard sheep INSIDE Joan’s apartment but what if she’d received 101 boxes of bugs? That’s what happened to Anna’s Grandmother in part 1 of Leafman Attacks in the book called Leafman, Whose Beefman?
Now this sounds like I’m talking about two kinds of livestock plus bugs; just read the book for surprises within.

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