Cosmology And Cookies

These Christmas cookies are not making me fat and connectively I am not getting lazier by the day! I’m balancing Trader Joe’s Lacie’s Cookies (which I HIGHLY recommend) on a spoon to keep my quilting hands clean. I’m tieing a big pale yellow and green queen-sized quilt for charity and watch a program on the cosmology of the expanding universe.
Today’s theory states everything in our universe is constantly moving away from everything else.
Conclusion: I am moving away from myself! Every molecule of me is skittering away from every other one, SO I am getting bigger all the time. It’s not the cookies!! And I’m not really too lazy to take the boxes that my six new books came in out to the recycling can. In the last month or so I’ve published a series of four books, all comprising one story about Leafman, and a book about John, and a story about a chicken’s birthday party. each and every one of which is better than a full box of Lacie’s Cookies!

The facts are; the front door is getting farther away from my quilting stool by the minute, I’m not lazy.!

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