Amy The Magnificent

“How do I express to her how much I appreciate her and enjoy her company?” My mind was thinking in a flutter so what came out was, “Goodbye Amy the Magnificent! See you tomorrow.” This term came readily to mind because of my children. Let me back up ten years before my children were born when I volunteered to be a nursery helper for a women’s group. I watched around twenty kids of various ages, none of whom I knew.
The children wanted loving but I felt no relationship to any and saw only a group, not individuals, until one Alex and her Mom. The Mom popped in three or four times in the two hour period just to be with her daughter and was interested in what she was doing. I saw Alex as a person first then began knowing the rest of the children. Ten years later I left my children in a similar nursery; I also dropped in, but to give them a slight head start I wrote on my daughter’s name tag, “Anna the Wonderful” and on my son’s, “Paul the Magnificent.”  nancymauerman.com105 Red hat2 Pensive

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