Attention: Eagles Spotted In Portland Oregon!

A few summers ago when I was in and John was out. I was in the kitchen, he in the back yard, I was making fruit salad and he was, I don’t know what. I was too lazy to take the banana peels out to the compost pile. I thought, “Boy, that’s a tacky idea,” but I did it anyway! I threw them out the open window, aimed a little to the right and the beautiful yellow fliers landed on the compost pile.
John yelled,”Wow!’ I tried to ignore this because, as usual I was making food items as quick, quick, quickly as possible. I make pictures and they’re slow to construction so i need every moment I can. “Hey Nan, come out here!” John said. He couldn’t wait so he came in and drug me out the back door by the hand.
“Look up there!” he practically yelled, “Do you see them?”
“What?” I said because I saw nothing but an evenly blue sky. “What am I seeing up there?” I said, still waiting for the UFOs to appear.
“Just wait.” he assured me, “They’ll come back.”
I stared up until my neck threatened to rebel, “What are we looking for?” I insisted.
“Eagles!”‘ he said, as excited as a little kid waiting for Friday night ice cream. “Eagles! Eagles are dropping banana peels out of the sky! Just wait, they’ll come back!”
John continued to search up but I was looking at him! I simply stood in awe of a man that can see eagles behind every banana peel that flies by! “Are you sure eagles dropped them?” I said softly, half afraid to dissolution him.
“Yea they’re the only things around here to drop banana peels!” he said as if I wasn’t very smart, and continuing to look up as I looked lower. Maybe I had found an alien.
But I suppose you could say, as I looked down at him I was also looking up at him, in admiration of his beautiful mind!
To commemorate this event I wrote a book for adults and kids with pictures, called ‘Eagles and Banana Peels,’ it being free, for a short time, at Amazon as an eBook.

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