Bugbear And The Fish Pool

My brother Don was in his late teens when my Mother’s fish pond emptied overnight, leaving the gold fish flopping around in a few inches of mud and water. Don knew why, but no one listened to a kid! He dutifully scooped out the fish, took the black heavy plastic liner out of the pond hole, laid new plastic, filled the pond with water, treated it and put back the critters.
We all went fishing and a few hours later returned home and the pond was empty again. And again no one listened to Don’s crazy idea so he emptied the pond of its remaining water, repeating all steps, and assured us the pond would empty again within hours.
It did! Don emptied and refilled while “muttering” loud enough to be heard around the block and cautioned the pond would drain out again.
It did! Again! Two conversations ensued. Don claiming he’d been right all along while my mom condemned Don of sneakily causing havoc to prove his point. Don was not the one to cause trouble, or play bad jokes, he certainly COMPLAINED during his three lengthy pond jobs: it wasn’t logical that he had done it, but we couldn’t think of any other explanation!
Don angrily relayed the pond plastic a fourth time and as he predicted, the pond emptied again. This time my mother, angry too, but finally was ready to listen as a last resort. Don was right, when Mom moved her new plant away from the water’s edge, its drooping sword like leaves no longer SIPHONED THE WATER OUT!
I talk about this same disbelief, in my book Leafman Attacks #2 A Plethora of Monsters. Little Anna dropped off at her Grandmother’s house and frantically tells tall tales of secret tunnels and dragons. We can see Grandmother doesn’t believe her. Grandmother has her own tale of tiny monsters. Are these bugbears or exaggerated problems ? We can’t determine whether Anna believes in Grandmother’s story or not. Read the book and let me know what you think.nancymauerman.com

Bad News: Leafman Is Back! Good News: You Can Read About Him

The book, Leafman Attacks #2 A Plethora Of Monsters is free for a time as an eBook at Amazon. Leafman Attacks #2 A Plethora Of Monsters, is whole and complete within its self, but is also part of a longer story in four parts.
Our story starts with a sweet little old house plant and the story ends with monstrosity of a fauna. Anna’s Grandmother loves her house plants and even dresses her favorite little green friend in a red striped vest and black derby hat. How she decides her plant buddy is a boy, I don’t know but she names him Jimmy. The poor thing is attacked by monsters from a box Grandmother receives as a surprise through the mail.
Anna’s dragon told me the other day “Monsters can be any size. I just locked ten of them up in my jewelry box.” The dragon is ready to help Grandmother and Anna if she could just think what to do! These books are written to be enjoyed by and are loved by adults as well as children.
To all my readers ; thank you so much for your reviews and another thanks again to AMAZON, without whom I could not share my stories and pictures!nancymauerman.com


Top Your Cupcakes With Toothpaste

For years my grandmother on the farm made Bonnie Sue and I matching aprons every Christmas. In the spring my cousin and I wore our aprons and used Grandma’s bashed up and battered pots to put on a pretend cooking show for the backyard chickens.
Maybe kids don’t make mud pies anymore (I always thought they should be called mud cakes.) The children I asked recently don’t. So a few years back I bought a great set of mixing, measuring and pouring devices and other implements for four little kids I know and I showed them how to make mud pies.

I visited a few weeks later and to my horror I saw they’d discovered MUD FINGER PAINTING! Although in this case the correct phraseology could have been hand, arm, and maybe even face smearing over one entire side of their apartment unit. Plus its sliding doors. I could see this was an extension and modification of my handy work and I apologized profusely. Their parents kept saying, “Its OK.” so it might have been an oversight but the scene of the crime had not been cleaned up in honor of my visit.
I always thought the name should be ‘mud cakes.’ I’d had a creative adventure in mud pieing as a kid myself, when at about seven. A neighbor, whose current Dad was a salesman, and I decorated the previous day’s pies with sticks and leaves when creativity grabbed my friend by the head and she was struck by a brilliant idea. I use the word,”struck” on purpose because that’s what I was afraid would happen to Becky. She’d remembered seeing tiny, cute, little, just the right size for little girl hands, begging to be used, sample sized, tubes of toothpaste, or in this case, MUD CAKE FROSTING! At first I repeated over and ever, “Are you sure this is OK?” but it looked so fun. I helped her use every single tube. Becky never mentioned if she’d gotten beaten again.
This memory became part of my story Eagles and Banana Peels at Amazon where Grandfather shows Gracie the great culinary trick of toothpaste topped cakes.  nancymauerman.com