I Love Alligators and I Love Ducks

I love alligators, from a distance of course, and I love ducks and I love indoor plumbing so I made a picture about my loves. Plus, I love cookies but they aren’t in the picture so I entitled this piece of love art Midnight Cookies because munchies taste better in the middle of the night.

Midnight Cookies – Framed

A Crow, Cat, Squirrl Memory

Before John, my husband, died he had a habit of sitting on the front porch steps. An old yellow cat always sat beside him on one side and a crow or a blue jay would take turns standing beside John on the other. Together they surveyed our short front yard and the people walking by.

John’s friend, the squirrel, would run up to the steps and hesitate to make sure everyone was on his best behavior then scamper up to John’s open hand. The squirrel lifted up one of the three peanuts John held, roll it around, inspect it thoroughly, then put the peanut back in John’s hand.  The squirrel carefully picked up and compared all three nuts replacing them in turn to John’s hand and  only then would the squirrel pick up the biggest peanut and run off with it.

Sometimes the squirrel didn’t run very far!  Sometimes the little rascal grabbed one of my  bonsai by the trunk, lifting  my little tree up and out, and placed the tree and its exposed root system on the porch beside its half empty bonsai pot. Then the squirrel buried his peanut in the remaining puddle of dirt. How could I complain? But if I was on the porch I’d scold the squirrel. He’d glare at me then run off and pretend to search for an alternative place…. until I wasn’t looking! I  repotted my tree several times a day.

Two Crows – Framed

A Secret Trip- Outsider Art

We, the viewer, stand under a cloud that is supported by four long legs on wheels. The man we stare at is moving from under another cloud on wheels. A cloud in the back has its leg captured by a golden chain.

The giant man is wearing a house around his neck and his eyes reflect a house on legs and the man wears trees on his shirt. But, what dose it MEAN? When I painted it it symbolized several ideas but now it means something entirely different to me! I’d love to hear from you. Does this crazy man bring any thoughts to mind?

A Secret Trip

A Secret Trip

Can Roots Fly? – Outsider Art

I painted roots flying through the clouds in a circle.  They’re painted behind a few of my favorite root friends whom I’d dug out of my garden.

You may say roots can’t fly and they shouldn’t be referred as ‘whom’ because they aren’t persons. But…I now know slime molds live as single individuals until they run out of food.  Then they move together, assign various tasks to certain ones, smell the air and move toward food, even change directions.  Trees talk to each other by sending chemical messages to nematodes who deliver the message to other trees. I communicate because of chemical messages too.

As for flying- I’m hoping to see groups of trees fly through the atmosphere of other planets. There is no right nor wrong in interpretating pictures so I’d love to hear from you. Are trees important to you or do the roots become a symbol of learning, your family, tulips, or history of transportation down through the ages?


Root - Framed

Root – Framed

Grape Vine Mandala

For over thirty years I’ve been saving money so I could use it to promote my art in some way. I invested it then met Amy who became the computer side of my art business. I love the free enterprise system where I can save, invest, invent, then PAY Amy. I love paying her.

I study balance so below we see two circles- one in and one out side. The circles are graphic shapes in contrast to the organic vine shape. Quiet areas demand equal attention as the two forms.

I’m reminded of a sweater I liked at the  store and bought, even though it was too big. At home I had to try it on but it wasn’t for me.  It did fit Amy and It’s her favorite color. So I gave it to her.

I love balance and I love capitalism so I can collect money, use it and share it.- Today I greeted her at the door saying,”You’re wearing my sweater.” Her  eyes sparkled, “No. It’s my sweater.” She paused, “It takes a village to own a sweater!”


Mandala 1

Outsider Art- Hammers And Clouds

This painting called Hammers And Clouds is painted on a sweater which I liked- but which looked hideous on me. Now the sweater is available for sale as outsider art. The theme is holes and edges.

I see holes in the clouds and the clouds reach almost to the top of the picture otherwise we would see a white shape and think ‘cloud’ but notice they can make strange and wonderful shapes and have interesting edges. One day I looked out the window and I saw this exact cloud configuration. The mountain forms are simplified so they don’t detract from holes and edges. The background sweater pieces overlap themselves on one side of the picture making an interesting edge.

Edges fascinate me because, in actuality, there are no edges. My elbow’s molecules are merging with wood table molecules as I ponder how to end this thought. This pictures title refers to hammers which are part of the frame. You can see this piece framed –Hammers And Clouds – Framed.


Hammers And Clouds

John’s Dad Sees A Baby Before Its Born – Outsider Art

The older our culture grows the bigger our reality gets- just ask a physicist. John’s Daddy saw a baby coming down into a house next door just before the baby was born.

A few people I know have seen babies just before the little ones come to their homes, sometimes days or weeks ahead. Several cultures consider this occurrence regular, normal, and necessary. In the picture below the reflection on the man’s glasses shows a ladder draping down from above into a house.

John’s Dad Seeing Babies Born – Framed